
Showing posts from December, 2022

St. Lucia Fall

Hej! God jul. It's been a while since I've posted here. It's been a busy Fall of shows back in the US, and my concert season concluded with a beautiful St. Lucia Concert in Rochester, New York at The Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word. After the concert, my instrument unexpectedly fell off of my shoulder in its case onto the parking lot pavement, breaking the key box side that cradles all the keys. I now get a beautiful glimpse at the careful craftmanship of Bo Nilsson, who numbered all the keys in pencil.  Nyckelharpa keys numbered in pencil I am very fortunate this break was very clean, and can be reattached in one piece. Only one tangent at the top broke, which can be re-carved and replaced. More posts to follow about my repair journey. Have a happy holiday! Hey då.